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Common symptoms during pregnancy


Problems with Urination

Vaginal Discharge



Nosebleeds and Bleeding Gums

Swelling, Varicose Veins, and Hemorrhoids

Breathing Problems



So you're going to have a baby! Whether you are pregnant or are planning to get pregnant, you will want to give your baby a healthy start.

You need to have regular visits with your healthcare provider. These prenatal care visits are very important for your baby and yourself. Some things you might do when you are pregnant could hurt your baby, such as smoking or drinking. Some medicines can also be a problem, even ones that a doctor prescribed. You will need to drink plenty of fluids and eat a healthy diet. You may also be tired and need more rest.

Your body will change as your baby grows during the nine months of your pregnancy. Don't hesitate to call your health care provider if you think you have a problem  or something is bothering or worrying you.

Common symptoms during pregnancy

Growing a baby is hard work. Your body will go through a lot of changes as your baby grows and your hormones change. Along with the aches and pains of pregnancy, you will feel other new or changing symptoms.

Even so, many pregnant women say that they feel healthier than ever.



Being tired is common during pregnancy. Most women feel tired the first few months, then again toward the end. Exercise, rest, and a proper diet can make you feel less tired. It may also help to take rest breaks or naps every day.


Problems with Urination

Early on in the pregnancy, you will likely be making more trips to the bathroom.

·         As your uterus grows and rises higher in your abdomen (belly), the need to urinate often may lessen.

·         Even so, you will continue to urinate more throughout pregnancy. That means that you also need to drink more water, and may be thirstier than before you were pregnant.

·         As you get closer to delivery and your baby descends into your pelvis, you will need to pee much more, and the amount of urine passed at one time will be less (the bladder holds less due to pressure from the baby).

If you have pain when you urinate or a change in urine odor or color, call your health care provider. These could be signs of a bladder infection.

Some pregnant women also leak urine when they cough or sneeze. For most women, this goes away after the baby is born. If this happens to you, start doing Kegel exercises  to strengthen the muscles of your pelvic floor.


Vaginal Discharge

You may see more vaginal discharge while pregnant. Call your doctor if the discharge:

·         Has a foul odor

·         Has a greenish color

·         Makes you feel itchy

·         Causes pain or soreness



Having a hard time moving the bowels is normal during pregnancy. This is because:

·         Hormone changes during pregnancy slow down your digestive system.

·         Later in your pregnancy, the pressure from your uterus on your rectum may also worsen the problem.

You can ease constipation by:

·         Eating raw fruits and vegetables, such as prunes, to get extra fiber.

·         Eating whole grain or bran cereals for more fiber.

·         Using a fiber supplement regularly.

·         Drinking plenty of water (8 to 9 cups daily).

Ask your health care provider about trying a stool softener. Also ask before using laxatives during pregnancy.



While you are pregnant, food stays in your stomach and bowels longer. This may cause heartburn (stomach acid moving back up into the esophagus). You can reduce heartburn by:

·         Eating small meals

·         Avoiding spicy and greasy foods

·         Not drinking large amounts of liquid before bedtime

·         Not exercising for at least 2 hours after you eat

·         Not lying down flat right after a meal

If you continue to have heartburn, talk to your health care provider about medicines that can help.


Nosebleeds and Bleeding Gums

Some women have nose and gum bleeding while they are pregnant. This is because the tissues in their nose and gums get dry, and the blood vessels dilate and are closer to the surface. You can avoid or reduce this bleeding by:

·         Drinking lots of fluids

·         Getting lots of vitamin C, from orange juice or other fruits and juices

·         Using a humidifier (a device that puts water in the air) to decrease dryness of the nose or sinuses

·         Brushing your teeth with a soft toothbrush to decrease bleeding gums

·         Maintaining good dental hygiene and using floss every day to keep your gums healthy


Swelling, Varicose Veins, and Hemorrhoids

Swelling in your legs is common. You may see more swelling as you get closer to giving birth. The swelling is caused by your uterus pressing on the veins.

·         You may also notice that the veins in your lower body are becoming larger.

·         In the legs, these are called varicose veins.

·         You may also have veins close to your vulva and vagina that swell.

·         In your rectum, veins that swell are called hemorrhoids.

To reduce swelling:

·         Raise your legs and rest your feet on a surface higher than your belly.

·         Lay on your side in bed.

·         Wear support pantyhose or compression stockings.

·         Limit salty foods. Salt works like a sponge and makes your body hold more water.

·         Try not to strain during bowel movements. This can worsen hemorrhoids.

Leg swelling that occurs with headaches or high blood pressure can be a sign of a serious medical complication of pregnancy called preeclampsia. It is important to discuss leg swelling with your provider.


Breathing Problems

Some women feel short of breath at times while they are pregnant. It happens more often in the early part of the pregnancy, and again toward the end. Mild shortness of breath from exercise that quickly gets better is not serious.

Severe chest pain or shortness of breath that does not go away can be a sign of a serious medical complication. Call 911 or go to an emergency room right away if you have these symptoms.

You may get short of breath again in the later weeks of pregnancy. This is because the uterus takes up so much room that your lungs do not have as much space to expand.

Doing these things might help with shortness of breath:

·         Sitting up straight

·         Sleeping propped up on a pillow

·         Resting when you feel short of breath

·         Moving at a slower pace

If you suddenly have a hard time breathing that is unusual for you, see your doctor right away or go to the emergency room.

Information presented on this website is for general use. It intended to address issues of your concern. It is not intended to serve as a basis for professional diagnosis and treatment of diseases or health conditions.
Should you have health problems we suggest you to seek assistance from a licensed healthcare professional and medical organization. In the case of a medical emergency, please call emergency services immediately.